



What is IYPT

The International Young Physicists' Tournament developed from what was initially a competition organised by Moscow State University for secondary school students from Moscow itself. The latter then attracted international teams but it always took place in Moscow. These days, the competion attracts teams from nearly thirty countries and takes place in a different country each year.
The competition itself involves teams of five students preparing solutions to seventeen problems set the previous year by the international organising committee. During the competition, 'Physics Fights' take place. These involve a reporter presenting his or her solution to one of the 17 problems as chosen by his opposer. The reporter then has to defend his solution against what can be a very determined and formidable opponent. A reviewer then summarises the efforts of both reporter and opposer before all three are given marks by a panel of distinguished judges from the international physics teaching community. The standard of solutions from the international teams is very high, and in some cases exceptionally high, involving differential calculus, computer modelling, and outstanding experimental work. A full description of the competition rules and regulations can be obtained here.